Make a Difference

The Safer Luton Partnership is a community focused organisation that provide many community projects and services developed to meet the needs of our community. Our aim as a community organisation is to reduce crime and improve the quality of life. Our projects and services are solely facilitated by our team of dedicated volunteers. We rely solely on donations, fundraising and grants to be able to continue to be that support and help for our community in their most vulnerable times of need.

Our projects include:

Our SOS Community First Response Service” (CFR) is a lifesaving emergency response within the local community. As authorized volunteer CFRs our aim is to help reduce the number of pre-hospital admissions and deaths. Our volunteer CFRs are highly qualified and skilled in FREC (First Response Emergency Care) and First Aid to provide life-saving treatment to patients in the vital first few minutes of an emergency until ambulance crew arrives if required. When effective treatment is provided quickly, lives can be saved, and disability reduced. This is especially true for heart attacks and medical conditions which have caused someone to lose consciousness. As our volunteers are based within the community, they may only be a minute or two away from a medical emergency and very often their role is to simply provide vital reassurance to patients and their families until the ambulance crew arrives if required. 

Youth Support Work - We support young people and their families through difficult periods without labeling or judging them through a range of initiatives aimed at meeting their personal, social and education needs. These can be delivered through one to one support or through group activities. We also provide a range of training and activities for young people to help increase their confidence, and build their self esteem.

Teenage Domestic Abuse - Teenage relationship abuse is when there is actual or threatened abuse within a romantic relationship or a former relationship. One partner will try to maintain power and control over the other. This abuse can take a number of forms: physical, sexual, financial, emotional or social. This includes coercive and controlling behaviour. The current UK definition of domestic violence includes incidences between people aged 16 or over, but it is important to note that violence and abuse can occur in relationships between children and young people at any age. Our project is a focused on what constitutes a healthy relationship and supports young people who want to leave a relationship but feel unable to because of fear or retribution.

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You act of kindness can make all the difference!

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