Our Team of Volunteers

  • Meet Charlotte... SOS Team Leader - First Response Emergency Care (FREC) Trained

    Since joining the Safer Luton Partnership as a volunteer, it has opened up many opportunities for me. I have learnt so many new skills and it has inspired me to work towards achieving my dream career as a paramedic.

  • Meet Felicia... SOS Team Leader - First Response Emergency Care (FREC) Trained

    Volunteering gives you a sense of pride to know that you are helping those in need with care, compassion, dignity and kindness.

  • Meet Joan... Organisation Director

    Although a Director of the organisation, I am committed to all the projects the SLP delivers. I am proud to be part of the First Aid team who at end events across the county ensuring medical provision in on hand

  • Meet Marquise... SOS Volunteer

    I became a volunteer because in order to see change, you have to be a part of the change! Giving back to community is an act of Kindness.

  • Meet Rajab... SOS Volunteer

    Delivering first aid, emotional and mental support provides volunteers with a sense of purpose and demonstrates inspirational acts of kindness.

  • Meet Dean... SOS Volunteer

    Being a volunteer is a great experience, one that i thoroughly enjoy and cherish.

  • Meet Yasmin Waheed... SOS Volunteer

    Volunteering with the SOS bus has increased my skills and knowledge. The resources and techniques have equipped me with the ability to manage a range of emergency situations. I am dedicated and committed in helping people, offering reassurance and comfort to the community in my role as a First Aider.

  • Meet Sandra Hayes... SOS Volunteer

    I have been involved in community work both professional and personally for most of my life. Meeting and engaging with people is a wonderful part of the work I do. Being able to also provide first aid is an additional bonus. I really enjoy being a part of the SOS First Aid Team.

  • Meet Dave Crean... SOS Volunteer

    I am committed to supporting the people of Luton in any way I can. I have a long history of being at events, setting up and stewarding. I love working in the community. I am happy to now bw available as a qualified First Aider at these evens which means that i can undertake and assist with medical emergencies as part of the SOS Bus

  • Meet Steve... SOS volunteer

    Being a part of the SOS bus lets me support the community when they are in need. I have been able to develop my skills and abilities by being a first Aider.